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Other services
Here you will find information and an overview of other products from Eksfin and other support agencies that can assist Norwegian companies.
Additional financing solutions at Eksfin and our partners
Other solutions at Eksfin:
Tender guarantee
Eksfin offers Norwegian companies bidding on contracts for aid-funded projects. The guarantee covers up to 50 percent of the company’s expenses for the bid if they do not win the contract.
Aggregate EU
Eksfin offers risk relief for buyers and sellers of Norwegian gas within the EU.
Power Guarantee
Eksfin offers risk relief for power companies or banks. The guarantee covers the buyer’s failure to fulfill the power purchase agreement or repayment of a loan from the bank to the power buyer.
Public funding and support from our partners:
Innovation Norway helps Norwegian companies to grow sustainably and increase exports by providing access to competence, capital and networks. Innovation Norway’s financial products complement the solutions offered by Eksfin.
SIVA develops, owns and finances a national infrastructure for innovation consisting of incubators, business gardens, catapult centres, innovation enterprises, as well as innovation centers and industrial real estate.
Enova incentivizes Norway’s transition to a low-emission society through several support programmes for real estate, manufacturing, transport and energy systems and technologies.
DOGA is a driving force for sustainable value creation through design and architecture. DOGA facilitates collaboration between creative talents, businesses and the public sector through several support schemes.
The Research Council of Norway aim is to promote a society where research is created, used and shared, and thus contributes to restructuring and enhanced sustainability. The council has a number of programs to financially strengthen R&D and its commercialization.
Investinor invests risk capital in some of the most promising companies in their respective markets. Investinor can make direct investments in companies, investing in seed capital and venture funds, make matching investments jointly with private investors in seed – and venture phase businesses, as well as facilitating pre-seed investments in funds or via matching.
Nysnø will make profitable, long-term investments that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nysnø offers patient capital and is able to support the companies through the demanding expansion phase, which often requires major investments but where it will take time before returns are yielded.
NORAD can provide support to companies investing in renewable energy in developing countries.