News: About Eksfin

The Norwegian Government has decided to merge GIEK and Export Credit Norway AS

This content was published before 1 July 2021 by GIEK or Eksportkreditt Norge

According to the Government’s plan, GIEK and Export Credit Norway AS will merge on 1th of July 2021 at the latest. The merger will contribute to a more efficient system for export financing in Norway. It will become easier for Norwegian export companies to understand and utilise the Norwegian state’s export finance system. Please find the press release on the merger from the Government here.

– A merged institution will make our services even more user-friendly and available for Norwegian exporters. In a challenging economic situation nationally and globally, it is imperative to provide our exporters with efficient and user-friendly services, says Ms. Wenche Nistad, CEO at GIEK.

–  GIEK and Export Credit Norway cooperate closely in a wide range of projects.  We are looking forward to cooperating even more closely to promote growth and international trade for Norwegian exporters, adds Ms. Nistad.

In the past few years GIEK has launched new services in order to promote exports from industries like offshore wind, green shipping, seafood as well as power intensive industries. GIEK also handles several guarantee schemes established to help Norwegian companies through the Covid 19-crisis.

GIEK's organisation operates as usual until the merger takes place.