Banking and finance
Our AAA-rated guarantees give local and international banks a competitive advantage when financing Norwegian export transactions.

What we offer
Risk coverage
We can cover most of the risk for loans granted in connection with Norwegian export transactions or the construction of vessels or offshore installations at Norwegian yards.
We guarantee the bank will receive payment. We issue guarantees in connection with loans to foreign buyers and a variety of other export-linked guarantees.
Lending capacity
A state guarantee from Eksfin, with its AAA/Aaa rating, can reduce capital adequacy requirements and increase lending capacity. With increased lending capacity the bank is able to serve more companies.
Better service to the customer
A lower risk premium allows the bank to offer better financing, so the customers can realise their international ambition
Country risk
We conduct ethics and sustainability assessments.
A partnership between Eksfin and a bank is an advantage for the bank’s customers that wish to export or purchase from Norway. In addition to financial guarantees we can offer advise from skilled analysts, lawyers, financial advisers and social responsibility experts.
Our guarantees expand banks’ lending capacity and reduce capital requirements, facilitating loans or credits.
Contact us

Head of Large Corp

Head of Renewable Energy and Industry, Mid Corp

Head of Seafood

Head of Maritime/Yards
Our Terms
We participate on the same terms as the banks (pari passu on security and financial covenants, etc.).
- We can participate in both secured and unsecured credit facilities.
- We follow OECD guidelines on maximum terms, minimum premium rates and repayment schedules, depending on the type of project.
Eksfin charges a fee upon issuing a guarantee. If a bank is participating, the premium will reflect the bank’s price. For long-term buyer credit guarantees we must also take into account the OECD minimum premium rates. When Eksfin’s risk point is in countries assigned to OECD categories 1–7, the minimum premium rates are administratively fixed (try our premium calculator), while for high-income countries (OECD category 0) they are are to be based on actual market observations.
In high-income countries, when Eksfin participates on the same credit terms as banks in syndicates where there is a first priority mortgage and where the banks assume at least 25% of the risk, the OECD minimum premium is a direct function of the bank margins. If a bank’s margin is fixed for a short term, Eksfin must follow the bank’s rate upward in the event of repricing. We are prevented, however, from repricing a guarantee downward during its term.
The minimum premium rate in OECD category 1–7 countries is determined by the repayment period and is also influenced by such factors as:
- Country risk: Political, security, legal and macroeconomic factors that may prevent or complicate loan repayment are included here.
- Buyer creditworthiness: Eksfin assesses the customer’s creditworthiness, i.e. the estimated probability of a customer defaulting on its obligations. In the premium calculator, buyer creditworthiness appears on a standard rating scale from AAA to B-.
Eksfin also receives a share of upfront fees and commitment fees.
Calculate a cost estimate for buyer credit and supplier credit guarantees.
Relevant guarantees for banks
Building loan
A building loan guarantee ensures repayment of loans that banks issue to Norwegian shipyards in connection with the yards’ financing of new vessels or to Norwegian producers of offshore installations, such as wind turbine foundations. Such a guarantee may also be issued in connection with large subcontracts. The guarantee helps the shipyard or manufacturer to secure competitive financing for building costs incurred during the construction period.
Loan guarantee for export-related investments in Norway
Eksfin can provide a guarantee to a bank that finances a company’s investments in Norway. The investment must directly or indirectly lead to export.
Investment guarantee
This guarantee facilitates Norwegian investments abroad and applies only to political risk, typically such risks as expropriation, civil unrest, new foreign exchange restrictions. The guarantee is therefore relevant in countries with a high degree of political turmoil and little predictability.
Counter guarantee – guarantee of advance payments, execution or delivery
Sometimes foreign buyers require a Norwegian exporter to provide one ore more guarantees. We can help by issuing guarantees that a delivery will actually occur as agreed, that advance payments will be repaid if the exporter breaks the contract, or that the exported product will work as intended on delivery. It is the exporter’s bank that provides such counter guarantees to the buyer, but Eksfin can relieve the bank of a portion of the amount.
Supplier credit guarantee
Eksfin issues a guarantee ensuring that the exporter is paid within the agreed time. The guarantee is applicable if the buyer goes bankrupt or experiences problems paying.
Buyer credit guarantee – for export contracts
Eksfin’s buyer credit guarantee covers up to 90 % of the dept financing to buyers of Norwegian export. The loan can be in Norwegian or foreign banks or Export Credit Norway.
Production loan guarantee
This guarantee can be provided to Norwegian exporters that need financing of production costs linked to a specific export contract