Event: Seminar

Webinar/seminar with Martin Stopford: Three Maritime Scenarios 2020 -2050

Shipping Offshore Network og Eksportkreditt Norge har gleden av å invitere til et seminar+webinar i Eksportkreditt Norges kontorer i Oslo, Cort Adelers gate 30.

Date and time

Date: 10 June 2020 - 10 June 2020

Location: Oslo

Wednesday 10 June, 13.00-15.00, you can hear Dr. Martin Stopford, Clarkson Research, who will present his new Three Maritime Scenarios 2020-2050 via video from London. This is his response to the pandemic and what it may mean for the shipping industry.

To comment on his report, the following representatives from the shipping and maritime industry will be in a live panel:

• Olav Einar Rygg, Head of Lending, Export Credit Norway AS
• Jan Ole Huseby, Global Head – Ocean Industries, DNB Bank ASA
• Christian Andersen, Executive Chairman, Lorentzen & Stemoco AS
• Amund D. Ringdal, Director Politics & Analysis, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association
Covid-19: We allow up to a total of 50 people altogether to be in the auditorum, which normally can take 180 people. We will take several precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus; more information will be sent out to those attending in person.

This meeting will also be available as a webinar.

[button url=”https://www.shippingoffshorenetwork.no/events/martin-stopford-three-maritime-scenarios-2020-2050/” text=”Sign up” target=”true” color=”blue” /]


Opening and short introduction
Tom O. Kleppestø, Shipping & Offshore Network

Welcome to Export Credit Norway
Olav Einar Rygg, Head of lending, Export Credit Norway

Three Maritime Scenarios 2020-2050
Dr. Martin Stopford, Clarksons Resech, London
Dr. Stopford will present via video link due to Covid-19


Olav Einar Rygg, head of lending, Export Credit Norway
Jon Ole Huseby, Global Head, Ocean Industries, DNB Bank
Christian Andersen, Executive Chairman, Lorentzen & Stemoco AS
Amund Drønen Ringdal, Director, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association

Q&A, Summary and closing



