Event: Exhibition

Eksfin at COP 28

Export Finance Norway will be part of the Norwegian business delegation at COP 28. The Norwegian business delegation will showcase climate change solutions from Norway, positioning Norwegian businesses as a pioneers and trusted business partners in greentech and sustainability.

Date and time

Date: 02 December 2023 - 05 December 2023

Time: 10:00 - 18:00

Location: Norwegian pavilion, Opportunity District - OR02G1, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai

Additional information: Visit us at the Business Norway pavillion

Cop28 logo
COP28 UAE. Annual United Nations climate change conference. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. International climate summit banner. Emission reduction. Global Warming. Vector illustration

What is COP?

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). All States that are members of the UNFCCC (currently 199) are represented at the COP, and a key task is to review progress made by members to limit climate change. This year’s COP is expected to host over 70,000 delegates including Heads of State and world leaders to build consensus and facilitate progress on climate action. COP conferences thus play a crucial role in raising awareness, fostering international cooperation and driving efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change.


As one of the most important arenas addressing the climate crisis, the annual UN Climate Change Conference offers a unique opportunity to showcase and discuss innovative solutions to accelerate the green transition. See the complete Team Norway programme of digital and on-site events.

  • Solutions-based programme with prominent representatives of the public and private sector, academia and civil society
  • Roundtable discussions, high level meetings, and any launches and signings that happen
  • Pre- and post-COP28 activities
  • Nordic meeting place and press conferences



Book a meeting with us in Dubai

Tone Lunde Bakker, CEO at Eksfin will be attending COP 28. Please feel free to contact us to arrange a meeting. Send an email to either Allon Groth or Anne L. Holck Omland.


Eksfin is part of the Norwegian Business delegation at COP28 in Dubai. Read more about Business Norway at COP28

Se all COP 28 Norwegian partners


