Salmon producer Loch Duart buys Norwegian equipment with financing from Eksfin
The producer located northwest in Scotland use buyer financing from Eksfin when purchasing equipment from the Norwegian suppliers AKVAgroup and Mørenot.

Customer at Eksfin: Loch Duart
Need: Financing for purchase of Norwegian goods and services
Product at Eksfin: Buyer financing
Norwegian exporters: Mørenot and AKVAgroup
Financing enables: Eksfin is providing a loan of £4,800,000 to Loch Duart for the purchase of equipment from Norwegian suppliers AKVA Group and Mørenot.
Eksfin’s loan carries 80% of the risk of the loan amount, totalling £3,840,000. A bank guarantee from HSBC UK covers the remaining 20%, amounting to £960,000.
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