Arctic Pearl ready for dredge fishing in the Barents SeaProduct Title
Dredge fishing has been banned in Norway for almost 30 years, but now a company in Ålesund, Ava Ocean, has developed a gentle and effective technology for sustainable precision fishing of Iceland scallops – a delicatessen reminiscent of Great Scallops. The Arctic Pearl, christened at Fiskerstrand Shipyard in Sunnmøre on 22 November 2022, will harvest Iceland scallops using the new fishing method.
Ava Ocean is a technology and fishing company established in Ålesund in 2016.
The objective of the company is to operate sustainable harvesting from the seafloor based on its own newly developed technology.
The company was awarded an Iceland scallop fishing licence in Norway through a development program established in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Research in 2017.
The loan sum, which covered the renovation of the Arctic Pearl, amounted to MNOK 161. Eksfin provided 70% of the loan sum with a credit liability of MNOK 114. Sparebanken Vest has guaranteed the remaining 30%.
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