Application for exporters

Before you begin

To learn more about how we can assist you, see an overview of our products. To ensure an efficient application process, please provide as relevant information about the project as possible.

  • Apply as an exporter
  • Reach new customers and markets
  • Secure working capital and reduce project risk
Application for exporters

Information about exporter / supplier

Briefly describe what you want to finance, and expected delivery time / completion. For ships, state the type of vessel and estimated gross tonnage. Attachments and documentation will be requested later in the process.
Gjelder søknaden langsiktig finansiering av skip som bygges i Norge? / Gjeld søknaden langsiktig finansiering av skip som blir bygd i Noreg?

Informasjon om kjøper / Informasjon om kjøpar

We will only contact your contracting party if you agree to it

Contract information

The buyer is interested in the following financial options:
As exporter I am interested in the following risk coverage:
Teksten som skal legges inn er: Les mer om leverandørkredittgaranti og Førleveringsgaranti
Les mer om hvilke krav og forventninger vi har til eksportører med hensyn til antikorrupsjon
Read more about the requirements and expectations we have for exporters with regard to anti-corruption.