Governing documents and reports
The Norwegian parliament, the Storting, determines the financial frameworks and overall objectives for export financing in Norway. The Minister of Trade and Industry has constitutional responsibility for Eksfin, and the management of the agency is taken care of by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.
The ministry’s overall governance of Eksfin takes place through the board, several central documents, half-yearly management meetings, and the ongoing sharing of information.
The ministry is not represented on Eksfin’s board and is not involved in the processing of individual cases.
The annual allocation notice is sent to Eksfin once the state budget has been approved by the Storting. The allocation notice provides the financial frameworks and priorities, performance targets, reporting requirements, and specific professional guidelines and assignments. Furthermore, Eksfin must adhere to a main instruction and a regulation.
Eksfin must additionally adhere to international regulations through the OECD and EEA.
Applicable governing documents
- Letter of confirmation from the Government (English)
- Allocation notice, Main instructions and Regulation (Norwegian)
Assignments in connection with the coronavirus crisis
- Loan guarantee scheme and Access portal (Norwegian)
- Airline scheme (Norwegian)
- Travel guarantee scheme (Norwegian)
Annual reports
- Eksfin’s annual report for 2023 (excerpts)
- Eksfin’s annual report for 2022
- Eksfin’s annual report for 2021
- GIEK’s and Export Credit Norway‘s annual reports for 2020 (excerpts)
- GIEK’s and Eksportkreditt’s annual reports pre 2020 (Norwegian)
Issued loans and guarantees
Eksfin regularly publishes key information on new loan payments and guarantee issues. This information includes the name of the exporter, the product type, the guarantee or loan amount, and the date of issue. The recipient of the loan or guarantee gives their consent to Eksfin for publication (or to GIEK or Eksportkreditt prior to 1 July). Download the latest overview.
Eksfin has a duty of confidentiality in respect of the applications it receives and the development of current loans and guarantees after they are issued.
The list of recently issued loans and guarantees is available in Norwegian.
The list of recently issued loans and guarantees is available in Norwegian.
The list of recently issued loans and guarantees is available in Norwegian.
Loans with Eksportkreditt and guarantees with GIEK issued before 1 July 2021 are available during a transitional period.
Public procurement
Eksfin is subject to Norwegian public procurement regulations. Eksfin seeks to collaborate with competitive suppliers that can contribute to the company’s positive development. Procurement is carried out in accordance with the Norwegian Public Procurement Act and the Norwegian Public Procurement Regulations and takes place by way of collaboration between the specialist departments and Eksfin’s procurement manager.

Head of Sustainability and Business Development

Senior Adviser International Relations